The aim of this section is to provide an understanding of how to review the strengths and weaknesses in the resilience of a business. It is intended to answer such questions as:
- How do you develop a business resilience framework?
- Which framework would best suit your business?
- How will you use a framework to review the strengths and weaknesses within your business?
- Which opportunities and threats should you consider?
- What is the right type of plan to suit the needs of your business?
Reviewing the Strengths and Weaknesses in the Resilience of a Business
So now we know what business resilience is, why it’s important, where threats may come from and what the advantages are of creating a resilient working environment. Next, you need to turn the microscope on your own business and address how to do something about implementing change.
Deciding which framework to use
There are tools widely available which you can use to analyse the strengths and weaknesses in your business. In the process of writing and updating your business plan you may have already completed a SWOT analysis. It will be worth revisiting his in light of resilience and using additional tools such as a PESTLE, which we covered earlier. It’s a good idea to update this on a regular basis, as your threats may have changed, worsened or disappeared and summarily there may be opportunities which would otherwise be missed. A good place to begin to identify issues you may be facing is to complete the Business Resilience Healthcheck which covers the following areas and will help you to understand the threats and risks posed to your business;
A. Premises
Flood risk, business inventories, maintenance, post-disaster liability, data back-up
B. Operations
Business continuity plans, emergency contacts, effects of temperature
C. Financial
Capital purchases, land and asset values
D. Insurance
Business interruption cover, video inventories, policy excesses, landlord’s insurance
E. Markets
Impact of weather on sales, customer dependence, business opportunities
F. Staff
Attendance, temperature and illness, flexible working, legal requirements, risks to employees
G. Logistics
Severe weather driving policy, deliveries, supply chains
You can find and access the business health-check at Depending on the nature of your business and the threats you face, there are a range of frameworks that you may wish to use. For example, if you have identified exposure to severe weather events is a significant risk, the Business Areas Climate Assessment Tool (BACLIAT) tool may prove useful as will the Adaptation Wizard.
Adaptation Wizard –
Other examples include:
Cambridgeshire NHS
While this is linked to the provision of clinical services, the framework is clear and concise and could be used as a basis for risk assessment for businesses in non-health related sectors.
Continuity Central
Contains a list of risk assessment frameworks, of varying complexities, for business.
ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency)
Provides templates, framework and example asset identification cards suitbale for small business.
Health and Safety Executive for SMEs
Provides a range of case studies on different sectors plus a five-step guide to carrying out risk assessments. A good resource focussing on potential injuries and health issues that may form an element of business resilience planning. Being prepared is not just about having a plan; there are actions you can take to protect your business. These may be diverse and will depend on your specific business model, sector and location.
Here are some examples to start your thinking:
Are There any Opportunities and Threats that You Should be Considering?
You have already discovered it is important to consider both internal and external influences to ensure that you optimise the potential for your business. Ask questions such as:
- Is your business stronger because it is small and lean, or weaker because there is a single point of failure?
- Is it stronger because it functions in an area where the economy is stable or the climate is more predictable and temperate? And is that more or less important than being located near to a talent pool such as university graduates?
- Are your competitors struggling because of an environmental condition which might allow you to gain a competitive advantage? Or are you located further from your customers than your competitors, which could cause potential problems for the growth of your business?