Summary To be a good business adviser you need to have a broad range of abilities that cover the essential areas of business. This includes finance, marketing, sales, and customer service and how they link to and support each other. You also need to have experience or practical knowledge of the competing demands, pressures, and […]
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Summary This is about developing a clear picture of the objectives of the person you are working with and making sure those objectives can be achieved. It includes knowing how to set objectives, the potential risks involved, how to manage them, what resources are required, and how to help achieve them. What you need to […]
Summary This is about reflecting on and evaluating honestly your own performance, and discovering ways to improve it through skills development. This requires you to work with others to identify your strengths and weaknesses, find out what information and support is available to help you develop a plan covering your personal and professional aspirations, and […]
Summary This is about helping others to benefit from your expertise and experience. It involves clarifying what people need, and explaining issues and concepts, making sure you recognise the limits of your expertise and knowledge. What you need to show You must make sure that your practice meets the following requirements. a Encourage the person […]
Summary This is about building a rapport with people, helping others to develop their trust and confidence in you and reviewing the progress of your relationship with them. It involves communicating effectively so you can find out what you need to know, listening, reflecting and getting your point across clearly. What you need to show […]